Living with Wildlife
Help keep our native wildlife safe.
As most native wildlife habitat is on private or residential land, people living in areas with koalas, kangaroos, birds and the like have a massive influence on their future. If you think about it, they don’t live in our backyards… we live in theirs! Below are some tips on what you can do to assist keeping our native wildlife safe.
- Program our wildlife emergency number 1300 369 652 into your mobile phone.
- Drive slowly and carefully at night, when most native species are most active.
- Carry a towel or box in your car in case you come across any injured wildlife.
- Be careful when choosing garden pesticides, as wildlife can be affected by the poisons through eating vegetation and dirt.
- Observe native wildlife from a distance, and do not disturb or approach – sharp teeth and claws can be dangerous!
- Set up a bird bath and seed tray to encourage native birds into your backyard.
- Keep native trees and vegetation standing on your property, especially eucalypts.
- Find out which type of eucalypts your local koalas prefer by talking to your local nursery.
- Plant native trees along fences and creeks to help link wildlife to surrounding habitat. Take care not to plant trees in dangerous places, including near roads, fenced-in swimming pools, or close to power lines.
- Practise responsible pet ownership by restraining your cats and dogs at night, or if you spot any koalas in your backyard.
- Make sure any fences are koala-friendly – leave a gap underneath, erect a post and bridge system over the fence (every 10-20m), or securely attach lattice and cap the top of the fence to allow koalas to traverse along or over the fence out of harm’s way.
- Cover or place a rope through your swimming pool to help koalas climb out, should they accidentally fall in.
- Keep vigilant in your local area about habitat destruction, and write to politicians, newspapers and local wildlife groups with any concerns.