Sumatran Tigers ConservationKerinci Seblat National Park Sumatra
Sumatran Tiger Protection Conservation in Kerinci Seblat Landscape
Sumatran Tigers
A Predator in Danger
Tigers once dominated the dense forests of Sumatra. Their natural ability to hunt made them invincible to all predators, except humans. Poaching has left fewer than 400 alive today.
Nowhere to Hide
Poaching for skins led by the greedy and relentless black market has crippled the Sumatran tiger population. Meanwhile, illegal logging and agriculture has destroyed much of their habitat and made food scarce. Despite numbers of endangered tigers being so low, these deadly activities have not stopped.
Rangers for Tigers
Recognising the desperate need for manpower on the frontline, Steve and Terri Irwin helped grow the Tiger Protection and Conservation Units in Sumatra. From only one anti-poaching unit to now more than 50 full-time forest rangers, these individuals are fighting to save tigers in the wild, against all odds.
Give $20 and provide the veterinarian team with basic medical supplies to treat a tiger injured in the thick forest, including bandages, swabs and disinfectant.
Forest Guardians
These brave rangers spend days on end in remote locations, rough terrain and dangerous conditions. We’re helping them to get the upper hand on wildlife criminals, through pursuing leads, deactivating snares, identifying tiger tracks and collecting evidence to prosecute poachers. Giving so much to save tigers, they’re true wildlife heroes.
Donate $50 and cover rations for a ranger on a 10-day patrol, including food and water supplies.
A Rare Encounter
It’s a sad reality for these brave tiger protectors. In the heart of Sumatra, the Kerinci Seblat National Park is thought to be home to the largest population of the sub-species, but tigers are scarce. Catching a glimpse of a tiger is rare, and it’s often under awful circumstances; when a tiger is hung tightly in a snare or when they’ve become products on the illegal wildlife trade.
Make a gift of $100 to provide transport for one tiger from the forest to a veterinary clinic, to save a tiger after being injured by a snare or a poacher.

A Caring Community
Our tiger conservation efforts heavily rely on community involvement; kind-hearted locals who are willing to step up and protect their own. Just outside the government protected area, we’ve worked with the locals to set up community forests. The park-edge forests are managed by the local people and create a buffer zone between the national park and surrounding villages, helping to protect critical tiger habitat. The extra ears and eyes on the ground play a crucial role in defending against suspicious activity in the forest.